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“The Line drawing algorithm is a graphical algorithm which is used to represent the line segment on discrete graphical media, i.e., printer and pixel-based media.”

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Concepts of Algorithm, Flow Chart & C Programming by Prof. Wongmulin Dept. Of Computer Science Garden City College-Bangalore. Along with above algorithms, every computer science student is expected to implement below data structures – Trie Implementation Insert, Search and Delete Memory efficient Trie Implementation. Finally, we'll study how allowing the computer to 'flip coins' can lead to elegant and practical algorithms and data structures. Learn the answers to questions such as: How do data structures like heaps, hash tables, bloom filters, and balanced search trees actually work, anyway?

A line contains two points. The point is an important element of a line.

Properties of a Line Drawing Algorithm

There are the followingproperties of a good Line Drawing Algorithm.

  • An algorithm should be precise: Each step of the algorithm must be adequately defined.
  • Finiteness: An algorithm must contain finiteness. It means the algorithm stops after the execution of all steps.
  • Easy to understand: An algorithm must help learners to understand the solution in a more natural way.
  • Correctness: An algorithm must be in the correct manner.
  • Effectiveness: Thesteps of an algorithm must be valid andefficient.
  • Uniqueness: All steps of an algorithm should be clearly anduniquely defined, and the result should be based on the given input.
  • Input: A goodalgorithm must accept at least one or more input.
  • Output: An algorithm must generate at least one output.

Equation of the straight line

We can define a straightline with the help of the following equation.

y= mx + a


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(x, y) = axis of the line.

m = Slope of the line.

a = Interception point

Let us assume we have twopoints of the line (p1, q1) and (p2,q2).

Now, we will put valuesof the two points in straight line equation, and we get


y = mx + a

q2 = mp2 …(1)

q1 = mp1+ a …(2)

We have from equation (1)and (2)

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q2 – q1= mp2 ­– mp1

q2 – q1 =m (p2 ­–p1)

The value of m = (q2– q1)/ (p2 ­–p1)

m = ▲q / ▲p

Algorithms of Line Drawing

There are following algorithms used for drawing a line:

  • DDA (DigitalDifferential Analyzer) Line Drawing Algorithm
  • Bresenham’s LineDrawing Algorithm
  • Mid-Point LineDrawing Algorithm

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Software Algorithm Development

A Fortune Magazine 'top-25 very cool technology company!'

Algorithm, Inc. has been a premier out-source product development firm for AI technology and algorithm-driven software for business, industry, commerce, aviation, medicine, entertainment and training for three decades, creating products for companies just starting out to those of the Fortune 500.

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Algorithm, Inc. has performed work for such industry leaders as Thomson Entertainment (a division of Thomson Training & Simulation) and American Orthodontics, and through a related company produced API's for Intel Corporation.

Algorithm, Inc. engineers PC and mobile software applications and electronics hardware for interactive real-time simulation and 3-D computer graphics, as well as many specialized data analytics technologies for business and industry. It builds software for data analytics and machine learning that bolsters Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solutions, Business Intelligence (BI), and inventory control and prediction. As on-line sales became important in the late 1990's, one such effort was for the furniture industry, where both demand predictions for inventory and specific-to-customer catalogs were created. One specialty is the creation of API's (Application Programmer Interfaces) and SDK's (Software Development Kits), affording other engineering firms and businesses the freedom to develop their own proprietary applications, saving them the steep learning curve of modern algorithm engineering.

Founded in 1982 by Chairman and CEO Christopher D. Watkins and incorporated by him in Atlanta, Georgia in 1991, Algorithm, Inc. pioneered predictive characterizing control systems (now popularly referred to as 'deep learning'), early plasma globes, analog and digital music synthesizers, special effects signal processing equipment, compression technology and signal-processing systems, as well as some of the first immersive simulation systems. Compu-Ceph® uses predictive control-system analytics, in order to predict the outcomes of orthodontic and oral surgical procedures.

Algorithm's owner Christopher was recently granted U.S. Patent #9,245,148 (#8,700,890, DLA Piper LLP (US)) for a next-generation cyberdefense weapon (Secure storage and accelerated transmission of information over communication networks).

See Christopher's Biography and the Books Written by Christopher for more details. Two sample books are available at Virtual Reality ExCursions and Modern Image Processing.

The name Algorithm refers to the step-by-step procedure for solving a problem or accomplishing some end, whether technical or business. Algorithm's unique approaches to problem solving, backed by advanced mathematics and engineering expertise, have facilitated the development of workstation performance PC's for graphics, process control, and simulation.

As The Algorithm Company™ and The Software Algorithm Company™, Algorithm, Inc. has combined its technical resources with industry partners to become the out-source Research and Development think-tank, investigation team and skunk works for many of its world clients, saving them the high costs of maintaining a full-time R&D facility.